Supreme Court announces immigration law ruling

Jun 25, 2012
The U.S. Supreme Court has struck down large portions of Arizona's new immigration law. Arizona had argued the Congressional stalemate over immigration left it no choice but to take action. But the Court has invalidated a number of key provisions.

UnitedHealth to adopt reform provisions, set insurance standard

Jun 11, 2012
UnitedHealth will adopt some parts of the Affordable Care Act regardless of what happens in the U.S. Supreme Court in the coming weeks. The insurer will continue to cover children up to age 26 and offer free preventive health care services.

Supreme Court to hear arguments on Arizona immigration law

Apr 23, 2012
The U.S. Supreme Court next week hears arguments for and against several contested sections of Arizona's new immigration law -- which makes it a crime for undocumented immigrants to live or work in that state.

Day Three of health care arguments in D.C.

Mar 28, 2012
Today is the final day the Supreme Court will hear arguments about the legality of the Obama administration's health care overhaul. The Justices will be looking at severability, of what happens if the individual mandate is struck down.

Health care debate: Wrecking ball or remodeling?

Mar 28, 2012
The main question on day three of the Supreme Court health care hearings: Should the whole health care reform law be scrapped?

Health care arguments: Day Two

Mar 27, 2012
Can the government force Americans to buy health insurance? That's the big question at the Supreme Court today.

Supreme Court continues debate over health care law

Mar 27, 2012
Marketplace's Gregory Warner reports from the steps of the Supreme Court as day two of the health care deliberations begin in Washington, D.C.

For public good, not for profit.

What's at stake in the health care decision

Mar 26, 2012
It's day one of Supreme Court arguments over President Barack Obama's health care reform law.

The Supremes and the health overhaul

Mar 26, 2012
However the Supreme Court decides its ruling will push health-care reform to the top of the campaign debate. Health reform won't go away. The costs of the system are too high. The fiscal, economic and household pressures remain too great. Back to the future won't work.

Markets reacting to health care hearings

Mar 26, 2012
Twenty-six states are challenging the law, parts of which are already in place. Could the arguments for either side be affecting investors today?