Marketplace Tech heads to SXSW

Mar 7, 2014
Louis Black, co-founder of SXSW, offers a primer on what to expect.

PODCAST: Dell CEO Michael Dell

Mar 6, 2014
Dell CEO Michael Dell tells Marketplace his plans to meet future demand. And getting ready for the next unemployment report.

Start up the StartUp Bus

Mar 4, 2014
Teams of designers, coders, and tech enthusiasts are making their way to SXSW via bus, and along the way, they're building the next great startups

Trying the #fakeSXSW generator

Mar 3, 2014
They try so hard to lure you in

What do you learn at SXSW? Buzzwords

Mar 3, 2014
Which SXSW panel should you attend: "Your Mystery Barge is your Brand" or "Tacos Are Dead, Long Live Tacos?"

The app gap, in disasters like Hurricane Sandy

Mar 12, 2013
Twitter and Facebook were used by millions in the New York area to stay connected during Superstorm Sandy. But online disaster communication and preparedness isn't limited to social networking sites. Many entrepreneurs are trying to build platforms to stay informed during crises -- platforms that could be used outside of a disaster to market products.

SXSW 2013 lineup includes millions in venture capital

Mar 11, 2013
SXSW isn't just about music and tech. It's about money. Millions in venture-capital funds are sloshing around the conference in Austin, looking for start-ups to call home.

For public good, not for profit.

'Homeless Hotspots' from the ground level

Mar 13, 2012
The "Homeless Hotspots" program unveiled at South by Southwest has ignited both outrage and support. But participants in the Front Steps homeless shelter say it's a beneficial program.

SXSW kicks off as musicians struggle to become nerds

Mar 13, 2012
Having your tech chops may be more important than being able to play "Stairway."

South by Southwest opens -- tech flourishes

Mar 9, 2012
The South by Southwest festival in Austin, Texas, is famous for its music. It is also a film and technology event, worth tens of millions of dollars.