Busy masked hackers

Sep 26, 2011
Anonymous hacked into the Syrian Ministry of Defense website this morning. A group member says it's "part of a broader effort by the loosely...

Anonymous continues to have a busy summer

Aug 8, 2011
No dog days of lounging poolside with lemonade for the showboating collective of nameless hackers. They got hacks to hack! 70 sheriff sites have...

Street level hacktivism for a cause

Jul 8, 2011
Telecomix is a hacker collective, but instead of breaking into sites to reveal usernames and passwords, ala LulzSec, they're setting up networks...

US funding secret internet access

Jun 13, 2011
The New York Times is reporting that the United States government is building internet and phone access systems that can be used even in the event...

UN declares internet access a human right

Jun 6, 2011
This is a more important story than anything Apple or Nintendo announces. Apple will have a new product, it will succeed or it won't, lives will be...

Internet shut off in Syria

Jun 3, 2011
That's the news as of a short time ago. The Syrian government says it has shut off all internet access across the country, including on 3G networks...

Products to help block web access in the Middle East made in the U.S.

Mar 28, 2011
The Wall Street Journal writes today about U.S. companies that make web blocking and filtering software being used in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait...

For public good, not for profit.

Syria unblocks Facebook

Feb 8, 2011
The protests around the Middle East have apparently forced some concessions on internet openness in Syria. Recent planned protests in Syria failed...