Syria strike still up in the air

Sep 2, 2013
While a strike against Syria seemed imminent at the start of the weekend, it now looks as though there could be some delay.

Economic life inside a Syrian refugee camp

Aug 30, 2013
A Syrian refugee camp in Jordan is now the second-largest refugee camp in the world.

Shutting down the internet as a weapon?

Aug 29, 2013
Should shutting off the internet be used as a weapon against Syria?

Getting by as a Syrian refugee

Aug 28, 2013
As the crisis deepens in Syria, more refugees are fleeing the country.

Who is the Syrian Electronic Army?

Aug 28, 2013
After they momentarily took down the New York Times web site and Twitter, the Syrian Electronic Army gained a new notoriety.

Syria, oil, India, and currency

Aug 28, 2013
With the Syria headlines, the price of oil could become a drag for the U.S. economy and beyond.

The Syrian Electronic Army strikes again

Aug 28, 2013
The New York Times and Twitter are its latest targets.

For public good, not for profit.

U.S. intervention in Syria likely has a time limit

Aug 27, 2013
President Obama has not made a final decision on military intervention in the country, but senior American officials say that missile strikes could be ordered as early as Thursday.

Uncertainty over Syrian intervention hits oil markets

Aug 27, 2013
The headlines about Syria are altering the shape of financial markets this morning.

Syrian Electronic Army hacked U.S. media companies using Outbrain

Aug 16, 2013
The group supporting Bashar al-Assad hacked a service called Outbrain in order to target WaPo, CNN, and Time.