AIG makes me angry too

Mar 4, 2009
The more I read and think about AIG, the closer I get to having a conniption. Even Bernanke said it yesterday: nothing makes him angrier than the...

Dracula, the insurance company

Mar 3, 2009
I felt like I was watching a bad horror movie this morning as Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke testified before Congress. Bernanke said the government...

Burning down the house

Mar 2, 2009
Q: What happens to money when you throw it into a fire? A: The same thing that happens when you give it to AIG. Today's 4th bailout of the...

Just take your clients to Putt-Putt

Feb 25, 2009
Now that Northern Bank's been busted for hosting a golf tournament, the other bank lemmings are lining up to do their part. Today, Morgan Stanley...

Gotta have more bailout!

Feb 19, 2009
Remember the Saturday Night Live sketch with Will Farrell and Christopher Walken? Walken plays a famous record producer, and he keeps telling band...