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The complications behind tax reform and cutting widely used tax breaks

Sep 13, 2017
President Trump recently met with three Democrats to find common ground on the issue, but will it be enough?
President Donald Trump arrives to speak about the need for tax reform at Andeavor Refinery in Mandan, North Dakota.

Tax brackets and why you shouldn't fear a raise

Sep 5, 2017
There's a whole lot of misinformation out there about how taxes are figured.
Scott Olson/Getty Images

America needs more than jobs to fix racial inequality

Aug 17, 2017
Dorothy A. Brown, a scholar specializing in tax policy, race and class, shares her perspective on President Trump's assertion that good jobs will "have a huge, positive impact on race relations."
President Donald Trump delivers remarks at American Center for Mobility in Ypsilanti, Michigan on March 15, 2017.

And we're back! July jobs report shows prerecession numbers

Aug 4, 2017
A roundup of this week's business and economic news.
The number of jobs created has risen steeply over the past few months, but employers may not find workers as easy to attract as in the past.
Joe Raedle / Getty Images

Congress needs to pass tax reform. Or else.

Aug 3, 2017
The senior vice president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce says lawmakers have to compromise to make it happen.
The Senate side of the U.S. Capitol. The Senate is scheduled to return from summer break on Sept. 5.
Mark Wilson/Getty Images

Tax reform is the next battleground

Jul 31, 2017
With the drama around health care refusing to die, legislators already have begun the next big policy effort on the Hill: tax reform. Congressional Republican leaders last week laid out what they want — permanent tax reductions is what it boils down to. And conservative organizations and grassroots groups are getting ready to blast Congress […]

How tax withholding became the norm for American workers

Jul 31, 2017
Not everyone thinks automatic deductions for state and federal taxes are a good idea.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Will the GOP learn from the health care battle as it gears up for a tax fight?

Jul 20, 2017
In a bid to avoid the legislative fiasco that was the attempt at Obamacare repeal, the GOP has tried to take a more deliberate approach to its next big priority — tax reform. The White House said it has held “hundreds of listening sessions” on the topic, and Politico reports that Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and […]

Republicans shift gears to tax reform and ways to pay for it

Jul 19, 2017
Tax reform is like health care reform in at least one important way: If Republicans want to pass it without Democrats, they can’t raise the deficit too much over the long term. But tax experts who have analyzed the GOP’s main proposals say they would add trillions of dollars to the deficit.  Click the audio […]

Now we can measure economic policy uncertainty

Jul 12, 2017
"As economic policy becomes less clear and more uncertain, small businesses are more hesitant to invest," economist says.
Traders monitor prices in the Volatility Index (VIX) pit at the Chicago Board Options Exchange.
Scott Olson/Getty Images