It could be a very good holiday for U.S. charities

Dec 1, 2016
Charities could see a bump up in donations this month. That’s because wealth advisers are telling their clients to increase their giving now, before likely changes to the tax code next year. On his website, Donald Trump says he’ll cut the top tax rate to 33 percent. And he wants to cap itemized deductions for […]
Wealth advisers say their clients are adjusting their giving plans in light of likely changes to the tax code in 2017. 
Howard Lake/Flickr

Retailers are wary of a GOP plan that could increase taxes on imported goods

Nov 28, 2016
The plan is getting pushback from lobbyists for retailers who sell cheap items from abroad.
Wal-Mart employee Clara Martinez stocks the shelves at a store in 2015 in Miami. Big retailers that sell a lot of imported goods are starting to ring alarm bells over a GOP tax plan that relies heavily on import taxes.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

The GOP’s dream may become reality

Nov 21, 2016
Republican-led tax reform has best chance in years
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan addresses a news conference to introduce the House Republicans' tax reform proposal with House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady and House Majority Whip Steve Scalise in the Rayburn Room at the U.S. Capitol June 24, 2016 in Washington, DC. 

Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Corporate inversions: back from the dead

May 4, 2015
If you thought Congress put an end to corporate inversions, think again
Democratic lawmakers held a news conference to announce legislation to tighten restrictions on corporate tax inversions, making it more difficult for American companies to lower their U.S. taxation by combining with a smaller foreign business and moving their tax address overseas.
Mark Wilson/Getty Images

Getting married can cost you at tax time

Apr 6, 2015
When both spouses earn similar incomes, married couples may pay more in taxes.

Last-minute tips for tax procrastinators

Apr 11, 2014
April 15 is the last day to file your taxes. A few things to keep in mind if you haven't yet filed your taxes.

Rep. Dave Camp on his tax reform plan

Feb 26, 2014
Rep. Dave Camp of Michigan discusses his tax reform proposal.

For public good, not for profit.

GOP eyes big reforms for nation’s tax code

Feb 25, 2014
Congressional Republicans expect to unveil their plan.

The roots -- and some results -- of the charitable tax deduction

Dec 9, 2013
The tax break for charitable deductions reflects American attitudes about government, and about the best way to help others.

Tax debate revives question of who's rich

Dec 18, 2012
Fiscal cliff negotiations on tax rates hinge on an issue that has vexed the tax policy debate for years: What income level defines rich?