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Helpful tax moves to prepare for 2009

Dec 19, 2008
Many of us are looking for helpful tax hints to make up for a dismal year. Tess Vigeland talks to Wall Street Journal tax columnist Tom Herman, who gives us some tips on moves we may want to make to prepare for the next tax day.
Tax form with pencil pointing to "Amount you owe"

Time to get your taxes in order

Dec 17, 2008
You've got two weeks to get your finances in order, when it comes to what you'll be paying Uncle Sam in income taxes. Tess Vigeland talks with the Wall Street Journal's Tom Herman to get some helpful hints on reducing the tax bite.
Tax form with pencil pointing to "Amount you owe"

To inherit, you have to earn their trust

Nov 27, 2008
Trusts allow people to pass wealth on to loved ones, but a new kind of trust also lets people attach some strings to the money -- as Stacey Vanek-Smith discovered with her parents.
"You'd better listen to your mother..."

Digging in to the Obama tax plan

Nov 7, 2008
Now that the election is over, it's time to get down to specifics. Host Scott Jagow asks Marketplace's Washington Bureau Chief John Dimsdale about the details of President-elect Obama's tax plan.

Harvesting capital losses

Oct 29, 2008
Question: My portfolio contains some stocks that have cratered -- and I don't expect them to turn around soon in this economy. Might it be...

Parsing the candidates' economic plans

Oct 14, 2008
Presidential candidates Barack Obama and John McCain say they have starkly different plans to restore the U.S. economy. But in reality, Steve Henn reports, the candidates' policies are moving closer together.

Stockholders and a failed bank

Sep 29, 2008
Question: I know WaMu depositors are insured, but what can WaMu stock holders do now? I'm relatively new to investing, and this is the first time I...

For public good, not for profit.

Congress tackles bailout's bottom line

Sep 22, 2008
Proposals for rescuing financial institutions go to Congress this week, but lawmakers worked through the weekend to get a head start. The budget deficit is expected to balloon. Danielle Karson reports.

Americans help Brits beg for bucks

Sep 12, 2008
Fundraising or even asking for money at all is just not something the Brits are comfortable with. From London, Christopher Werth reports that many organizations hire Americans to do the dirty work.

Tax-avoidance schemes draw scrutiny

Sep 11, 2008
Several investment banks have been helping foreign clients evade millions of dollars in U.S. taxes, a Congressional report says. But the transactions have been around for years. Jeremy Hobson reports.