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We need a broader tax base. But how?

Apr 15, 2008
Presidential candidates are making their cases for change to the federal tax system. But commentator and economist James Poterba says trying to change the tax code will be tricky, no matter who's in the White House.

Would an honor code curb tax cheats?

Apr 15, 2008
Commentator Dan Ariely says that for many of us, the temptation to do a little creative accounting with our taxes is too tough to pass up. He did an experiment with some MIT students and got some interesting results.

Taxes in your online shopping cart?

Apr 14, 2008
Looking for new revenue sources, states are considering levying taxes on Internet retail. California is thinking about taxing music downloads, and New York says it's going to start hitting up companies like Amazon. Alisa Roth reports.

Nothing to gain from capital-gains hike

Apr 14, 2008
The tax code hasn't gotten much attention in the presidential debate so far. But commentator and business historian John Steele Gordon says proposals to raise capital gains taxes might not be so smart.

Ask the taxman

Apr 11, 2008
You've got tax questions, the IRS has answers and we get you connected. We revisit a February segment where Frank Keith of the IRS answered your refund questions.

Uncle Sam says 'Pay up!'

Apr 11, 2008
Tax Day is right around the corner. What should you do if you're afraid you won't be able to pay in full? Tess asks Andrea Coombes for some options.

Why do illegal immigrants pay taxes?

Apr 11, 2008
It's tax time. Most of us wince when we see how much tax the government has taken. But imagine if you don't get any benefits from paying taxes. A lot of illegal immigrants are in that position. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.
1040 tax form

For public good, not for profit.

What you should know about tax rebate

Apr 10, 2008
Most of us are going to get tax rebate checks as a result of the stimulus package approved a couple of months ago. But, there's a catch or two. Marketplace Money host Tess Vigeland has the details.
1040 tax form

Ultimately, we pay for the bailout

Apr 2, 2008
Using our tax dollars to bail out the Wall Street debacle just isn't fair, says commentator Robert Reich. Wall Street reaps the rewards and we pay the price.

The 'dirty dozen' tax scams

Mar 21, 2008
Tax time is here and so are the scammers. Lisa asks Victor Olmeczencho of the IRS how you can protect yourself from the most common tax scams.