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For many, forms could be a lot less taxing

Apr 16, 2007
The IRS already has the information it needs to fill out millions of taxpayers' forms automatically. Commentator Ian Ayres says requiring everyone to do it themselves is wasting time and money.

Taxpayers, meet the Coglianos

Apr 13, 2007
Year after year, three generations of tax accountants work side-by-side for a devoted clinetele in Queens, New York. Their advice: "You do right by the people and they come back to you."

The French like their taxes

Apr 12, 2007
French presidential candidate Nicolas Sarkozy is promising to cut taxes. You might think that would be a winning platform in one of the most highly taxed countries in the world. <em>Au contraire</em>, as John Laurenson reports.

Putting patents on saving money

Apr 11, 2007
A growing number of inventors are patenting strategies that could save you money on your taxes. And if you use one without permission? Well, that's called patent infringement. Janet Babin reports.

State funding breathes life back into arts

Apr 10, 2007
A few years back, many state coffers were bare. When budgets had to be slashed, arts funding was one of the biggest casualties. Now that money is coming back &mdash; and it has everything to do with local economics.
A scene from the Degas painting: Ballettsaal der Oper in der Rue Peletier

AMT for all!

Apr 10, 2007
Economist and commentator Susan Lee says dumping the Alternative Minimum Tax is a mistake. She argues we'd be much better off embracing the tax everyone loves to hate and making it universal.

Can we get that shaving deduction?

Apr 9, 2007
From beard taxes to yachts, history teaches that you never can tell how people will respond when you find a new way to tax them. Except that some of them will find some way to avoid paying it.

For public good, not for profit.

A very taxing family

Apr 6, 2007
It's a family business that only Uncle Sam could love. Ashley Milne-Tyte takes us to Queens, New York, where three generations of tax accountants prepare for April under the same roof.

What's the alternative to the AMT?

Mar 21, 2007
Lawmakers meet on Capitol Hill on Thursday to search for an alternative to the alternative minimum tax. Getting rid of it won't be easy. The federal treasury depends on it. Bob Moon reports.

Congress wants a look under the couch cushions

Mar 20, 2007
IRS Commissioner Mark Everson went to Capitol Hill today to explain what the IRS is doing to collect more than <nobr>$345 billion</nobr> that taxpayers owe but it can't seem to find. Hillary Wicai reports.