Ride-sharing vs. taxis: in many cities, the competition is on

Nov 27, 2013
Now that California has recognized ride-sharing, taxi companies have to learn how to compete with it

Iconic London taxi faces uncertain future

Oct 24, 2012
The maker of London’s famed black cabs has filed for bankruptcy protection. Recession, quality issues and competition have hit profits.

Small talk: Quiet flying, NYC taxi lights, exam answers

Mar 2, 2012
The news that didn't quite make the headlines. This week: Virgin's Upper Class Dream Suite, New York taxis get new lights, and funny exam questions.

MID-DAY UPDATE -- Geithner: Fannie & Freddie can never be the same...

Aug 17, 2010
... So what SHOULD the government's role in housing be? Less defaulting, late pay on credit cards Americans cut back on routine medical care Cot...