LA teachers are striking against the school district, but it is the state that controls the purse strings

Jan 14, 2019
California is unusual in that the bulk of education funding comes from the state budget
Thousands of teachers march in the rain through Los Angeles on Monday, on the first day of the first teachers strike in 30 years targeting the Los Angeles Unified School District.
Frederic J. Brown/AFP/Getty Images

An educator takes her frustration to the streets

Sep 10, 2018
Teresa Danks is known as the "panhandling teacher."
Teachers rally at the state capitol in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, on April 4.

After going on strike, one Oklahoma teacher is ready to run for office

May 1, 2018
Public school teachers in states like West Virginia, Oklahoma and Arizona are fighting for higher pay and more funding for schools. Now one physics teacher thinks he can enact change by joining his state legislature.
Thousands gathered and marched in a picket line outside the Oklahoma State Capitol during a statewide education walkout in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. 
Scott Heins/Getty Images

Teachers still haven't recovered financially from the recession

Apr 6, 2018
Flat or reduced spending in education has meant lower or stagnant salaries and reductions to benefits.
West Virginia teachers, students and supporters hold signs on a Morgantown street as they continue their strike on March 2.
Spencer Platt/Getty Images

In West Virginia, teachers get a victory

Mar 1, 2018
West Virginia teachers head back to the classroom Thursday morning after a four-day teacher’s strike culminated in a deal with the governor for a 5 percent pay increase. It’s being seen as a victory for teachers unions across the country. But is that true? Click the audio player above to hear the full story.