What teachers can expect as Chicago strike ends

Sep 19, 2012
It's back to school today in Chicago. In the next couple of weeks, teachers will vote on the tentative contract deal reached between the union, and negotiators for the school district and Mayor Rahm Emmanuel.

Moving on after the Chicago teachers' strike

Sep 19, 2012
The Chicago teachers union voted to end their strike yesterday, but repairing relations will take time.

Chicago teachers end strike

Sep 18, 2012
The teacher's union in Chicago has decided to suspend the strike that's kept 350,000 kids out of school the past seven days.

Chicago area school stages strike workaround

Sep 17, 2012
Lake Forrest High School in suburban Chicago is fighting its own striking teachers by running the school without them.

Chicago teachers' strike begins second day

Sep 11, 2012
Questions about how to care for children while their teachers are on strike are among the issues plaguing leaders and residents in Chicago.

As Chicago teachers strike, parents have to make new plans

Sep 10, 2012
350,000 kids have an unexpected day off today. So what are parents doing with their kids?

Laid-off teachers look for their Plan B

Sep 5, 2012
A trip to the airport paid off for former technology teacher Chris Bjuland.

For public good, not for profit.

Chicago teachers nearing strike

Sep 5, 2012
For the last year, union leaders have tried to push Mayor Rahm Emanuel into focusing on other issues: smaller class sizes, more art and music programs and job security.

Americans weigh in on education

Aug 30, 2012
So far, the Republican National Convention keynote speeches have focused on jobs and the deficit. Something a little more surprising, maybe, has been the emphasis on teachers and schools.

Every new school year, uncertainty for teachers

Aug 27, 2012
A language arts teacher in Minnesota describes the anxiety that comes with every new school year -- wondering if she will have a job.