Can Nokia's freebies build brand loyalty?

Jun 15, 2012
Nokia puts giveaways to the test with free smartphones for first-year students at Seton Hall University.

Silicon Valley's new underground millionaires

May 18, 2012
Conspicuous consumption is so last tech boom. The new rich are all about meaning and making a difference and getting in on the ground floor of the next Facebook.

New York's tech industry booms

May 10, 2012
New York is now the second most important U.S. tech hub after Silicon valley, based on startups and job growth, new study says.

Google and others track Apple users

Feb 17, 2012
Reporter Julia Angwin discusses her story in the Wall Street Journal detailing the tracking of Apple iPhone users.

Turns out, MySpace was only *mostly dead

Feb 14, 2012
Remember MySpace? Not all that long ago, it was out on the bleeding edge of social media. And then...crickets.
MTV News host Josh Horowitz in the MySpace And MTV Tower During Comic-Con 2010 - Day 3 San Diego on July 24, 2010.
Jerod Harris/Getty Images for MySpace

Taking the Card Case out for a spin

Dec 16, 2011
Tess takes her newly downloaded Card Case app for a spin into the real world.
Card Case allows you to pay for goods and services without you pulling out wallet.
Courtesy of Square

For public good, not for profit.

'Dynamic pricing' spreads beyond airline flights

Nov 20, 2011
It's a frustrating gamble many travelers make: buy now or hope for a lower ticket price later? Annoying as it is, dynamic pricing is spreading to everything from electronics and concert tickets. Learn more about the practice.