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At Lulu's: No Wi-Fi for you!

May 18, 2012
Lulu DeCarrone was tired of laptoppers turning her New Haven coffee shop into a silent crypt, so she cut them off. And business has never been better.

Innovation funding gets the ax

May 18, 2012
The Technology Innovation Program helped fund a lot of innovations, but now the program has been eliminated.

An app too far?

May 18, 2012
Apple's new Apple Store self-checkout app has columnist Lore Sjoberg worried.

Resisting the iPhone, at all costs

Apr 27, 2012
Commentator Tim Bedore's 14-year-old daughter is lobbying ferociously for an iPhone.

Home prices stay flat, tech bubble could burst

Apr 24, 2012
U.S. home prices stayed basically flat in February according to the S&P Case-Shiller Index. Without adjusting for seasonal fluctuations, prices actually dropped 0.8 percent to reach the lowest level since 2002.

Facebook to pay one billion for Instagram

Apr 9, 2012
The company's photo-sharing app and social network will be Facebook's biggest acquisition yet

Yahoo to chop 2,000 more jobs

Apr 4, 2012
Shares of Yahoo are down this morning. The Internet giant is handing out 2,000 pink slips today. It's the sixth mass layoff for the tech company in just the past four years.

For public good, not for profit.

Abundance and technology

Mar 30, 2012
Author Peter Diamandis thinks technology will help us solve the biggest challenges we face.
Water will become more and more valuable as the future draws nearer.

Robots and people can all get along

Mar 30, 2012
When technology is married with high-skilled jobs, the result can fundamentally change things for the better.

Robots get personal

Mar 29, 2012
Even creative work -- like journalism -- is up for robotization.