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Robots and the hourglass economy

Mar 28, 2012
Technology is -- by some economists' accounts -- causing a hollowing out of middle income jobs.

Robots everywhere

Mar 26, 2012
From grocery self-checkout to your home accounting software to "Godzillas" working the assembly lines, technology is fundamentally changing the American workforce.

Foxconn reform may lead to more changes in China

Feb 20, 2012
Electronics manufacturer Foxconn is taking steps to improve worker salaries and conditions after increasing international pressure to do so.

Time for the other Oscars

Feb 10, 2012
This weekend the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, the folks behind the Academy Awards, will hand out the technical Oscars. They may not be as glamorous as the other Oscars, but they're every bit as important to movie making.

Hasbro to team up with Zynga

Feb 10, 2012
Toymaker Hasbro is teaming up with the online gaming company Zynga -- but it's not the old school Hasbro that's trying to climb the ladder into Internet games.

Geeks looooove Valentines Day

Feb 10, 2012
I can't help but notice that Valentines Day seems especially huge in the... let's say, "tech" community.

Yahoo chairman, board members step down

Feb 8, 2012
More shake ups are announced at Yahoo, following the recent departure of co-founder Jerry Yang.

For public good, not for profit.

Déjà Vu all over again

Feb 3, 2012
What if the U.S. economy is becoming the economic engine that keeps the global economy out of recession?

WTO rules against China for unfair trade practices

Jan 30, 2012
A ruling against China by the World Trade Organization could mean cheaper rare earth metals. The metals are used in many electronic devices.

Are Netflix subscriber numbers here to stay?

Jan 26, 2012
Netflix announced hundreds of thousands of new subscribers during the last months of 2011. But are they all in it for the long haul?