Teens tired of Facebook, hot on Twitter, savvy reputation managers

May 23, 2013
Teenagers are less into Facebook and more into Twitter these days, according to a new report from the Pew Internet and American Life project.

10 ways your teenager is using the Internet

Mar 13, 2013
Smartphone use by teens is skyrocketing. The Pew Research Center's Internet and American Life Project has new stats on how young people are using technology these days.

African-American youth seeing more alcohol ads

Sep 27, 2012
A new study finds African-Americans aged 12-20 are exposed to more alcohol advertising than American young people in general

Why more teens are finding summer jobs

Jul 12, 2012
Employers are hiring more teens for summer jobs than in past years, possibly because older workers who were desperate for any work are finding better jobs themselves.

Teen employment could improve this summer

Apr 26, 2012
The job placement company Challenger, Gray, and Christmas is predicting that teens will have an easier time finding jobs this summer. Employment in this age group won't be back to pre-recession levels, but nothing like the summer of 2010 where youth employment had fell to a 60 year low.

Teens still watching many hours of TV a day

We might have overestimated the extent to which the use of iPhones, iPads, Netflix and Facebook are taking over the lives of teens.
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