GOP letter to the Fed: A slippery slope

Sep 21, 2011
GOP lawmakers sent a letter to the Federal Reserve urging Chairman Ben Bernanke to take no new monetary action. The Peterson Institute's Joseph Gagnon discusses the impact that letter may have.

Republicans to the Fed: No more stimulus

Sep 21, 2011
Yesterday, Congressional Republicans sent a letter to Ben Bernanke to request that the Fed refrain from initiating any further monetary policies.

Federal Reserve makes a $400 billion move

Sep 21, 2011
The Federal Reserve announced it was buying $400 billion in longer-term bonds in an effort to push long-term interest rates even lower. Will that help the economy

The Federal Reserve meets to discuss 'Operation Twist'

Sep 20, 2011
The Fed will meet today to discuss possible options for healing the ailing economy in the U.S. But its policies might only make a tiny dent in the bigger issues.

New Fed policies will try to lower home mortgage rates

Sep 20, 2011
The Fed will meet today to yet again tackle the best way to deal with the country's current economic downturn.

Bernanke details outlook for economy

Sep 8, 2011
Bernanke is considering forcing down long-term interest rates some more and cutting off interest payments to banks that park their reserves at the Fed.

No new stimulus for now

Aug 26, 2011
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke looks to Congress instead.

For public good, not for profit.

Fed can't fix the demand side of economic crisis

Aug 26, 2011
Many were disappointed at the news Ben Bernanke gave this morning: As of now, the Fed won't make moves to fix the economy. But as we hear from Jill Schlesinger, it might not be the Fed's job after all.

Some investors disappointed with Bernanke's announcement

Aug 26, 2011
Investors in the U.S. and around the world awaited an announcement of help from the Fed and Ben Bernanke. It's not coming -- yet. So now what?

Some experts skeptical about a new Fed stimulus plan

Aug 26, 2011
Some had high hopes for Ben Bernanke's speech today, expecting he might announce another Quantitative Easing plan. Others, like Bruce McCain, were a bit more skeptical.