Economy needs more than 'cautious optimism'

Aug 9, 2011
The Federal Reserve bank is scheduled to meet this morning. One thing the Fed could do is a third round of quantitative easing -- but analysts say not to expect any major policy moves this afternoon.

The Fed steps up

Aug 8, 2011
Now that partisan politics has rendered the government unable to function, only one player in Washington has the power to affect the economy: the Federal Reserve

Federal Reserve keeps stimulus options open

Jul 13, 2011
The latest stimulus round is over. But Bernanke tells Congress that if needed, the Fed will act again to try to prime pump the economy.

Bernanke questioned on Capitol Hill

Jul 13, 2011
Lawmakers got their once-in-a-quarter shot at grilling Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke today. Many of the questions appeared to have less to do with matters like stimulus and the debt ceiling, and more to do with representatives' political agendas.

Is more stimulus on the horizon?

Jul 13, 2011
Richard DeKaser, economist with the Parthenon Group, explains what he expects from Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's testimony today on Capitol Hill, and what we can expect from the Federal Reserve.

Bernanke heads to Capitol Hill

Jul 13, 2011
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is expected to testify today in one of his regular hearings before Congress as the debt debates continue.

Fed may have missed best opportunity for selling off mortgage bonds

Jul 4, 2011
As part of the government bailout of AIG, the Federal Reserve bought $16 million worth of mortgage-securities from the company. Now, thanks to changes to the bond and housing markets, it may be stuck with them for a while.
Logo of insurer American International Group Inc. on a window at the company's office in lower Manhattan
Stan Honda/AFP/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Did QE2 lead to inflation?

Jun 30, 2011
Diane Swonk, chief economist with Mesirow Financial, takes a look back at QE2 and the effects it had on the global economy, inflation and commodity prices.

Econ 201 quiz: Explain Quantitative Easing

Jun 30, 2011
Economic consultant Peter Cohan explains the basics of Quantitative Easing, and discusses the program's long-term effects.

What comes after QE2?

Jun 30, 2011
Bruce McCain, chief investment strategist at Key Private Bank, explains the end of the Federal Reserve's bond-buying program -- and predicts what happens to the U.S. economy now.