The Federal Reserve reaches the final hours of QE2

Jun 30, 2011
The Federal Reserve ends its $600 billion bond-buying program, known as QE2, today. But will the program be missed?

Fed money program ends, at what cost?

Jun 30, 2011
The Federal Reserve bought 85 percent of new Treasury bonds as it pumped money into the economy.
Bundles of newly printed bills are prepared for distribution to financial institutions at the Department of the Treasury Bureau of Engraving and Printing in Washington, D.C.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Bernanke's public approval falls as the economy slows

Jun 24, 2011
In a new Bloomberg survey, 26 percent of Americans view Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke unfavorably -- the lowest level in almost two years.

Bernanke's 'gloomy' language reflects slowing economy

Jun 23, 2011
Economists often analyze Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's language at press conferences, looking for insights into state of the economy. And at yesterday's press conference, the chairman's tone was more downbeat than usual.

Federal Reserve ends its stimulus

Jun 22, 2011
Whether quantitative easing helped the U.S. economy -- or how much -- is still debated.

Are the markets 'Fed' up with slow growth?

Jun 22, 2011
Tad Rivelle, Chief Investment Officer at TCW, says monetary policy may sound wonky -- but the Federal Reserve's decisions today will impact everyone.

Federal Reserve grapples with economic reality

Jun 21, 2011
Juli Niemann, analyst at Smith Moore and Company, explains what's expected from this week's Fed meeting, and why the central bank is having trouble gauging the economic landscape.

For public good, not for profit.

Fed to wind down its bond buying

May 31, 2011
The Federal Reserve's $600 billion program to buy Treasury bonds comes to an end this month. How will financial markets react?

Fed nears agreement on how to exit stimulus

May 19, 2011
Federal Reserve officials laid out a broad plan for a gradual tightening of fiscal conditions in their April 26-27 meeting. Diane Swonk, chief economist with Mesirow Financial, explains.

Fed keeps low interest rates

Apr 28, 2011
In his press conference yesterday, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke pledged to retain low interest rates inspite of inflation worries. Karen Shaw Petrou of Federal Financial Analytics explains.