Small business is on a roll

Jul 10, 2018
The National Federation of Independent Business reports small-business optimism remains near a record high.
Visual Hunt

Tariffs just one headwind for China’s economy

Jul 9, 2018
Today is day four of the tariff battle — some call it war — between the U.S. and China. Whether it’ll cause major economic damage depends who you ask. We step back to assess the Chinese economy in this fragile moment and how its transition from a middle-income country to a rich one is going. Click the audio […]

Is there an exit strategy for the trade war with China?

Jul 6, 2018
When we go to war in the conventional sense, there’s usually supposed to be an exit strategy. What about with trade wars? How do we get out of this one? Click the audio player above to hear the full story. 

Tariffs can push prices in either direction

Jul 5, 2018
Trade fight. Trade skirmish. Possible trade war. We’ve been hedging our language around what the Trump administration’s multiple rounds of tariffs actually mean. But come midnight tonight, when $34 billion in tariffs on Chinese goods are supposed to kick in, all that talk of trade war starts to look a lot more real and a […]

What Mexico’s recent election means for NAFTA

Jul 2, 2018
Mexico has elected a new president. Andrés Manuel López Obrador … often referred to by his initials …. AMLO…won easily in yesterday’s ballot, getting more than half the vote. And for the first time since 1997, Mexico’s presidential party will also control both Houses in Congress. López Obrador is a long-time leftist, a populist, who […]

Will tariffs on Chinese products protect U.S. jobs?

Jul 2, 2018
Some businesses say the imminent tariffs could force them to raise prices or cut pay.
A shipping container is offloaded from the Hong Kong based CSCL East China Sea container ship at the Port of Oakland on June 20, 2018 in Oakland, California. 
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Could the U.S. be heading out of the WTO?

Jun 29, 2018
President Donald Trump is telling White House officials he wants to pull the U.S. out of the World Trade Organization, according to news website Axios. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin later dismissed those reports as an “exaggeration.” Axios reported, citing an unnamed official, that the president had complained the WTO was designed by the rest of […]

For public good, not for profit.

Used car salesman? He’s looking better and better to consumers

Jun 28, 2018
If the threatened 25 percent tariffs on cars produced in the European Union coming into the United States are imposed, more and more people may head to the used car lot.  Click the audio player above to hear the full story. 

How China is building a parallel tech economy with or without the U.S.

Jun 28, 2018
China's Made in 2025 plan is big. Should the America be worried?
People gather at a Huawei stand during the Consumer Electronics Show Asia in Shanghai on June 13.
AFP/Getty Images

Trade tariffs begin pushing companies to manufacture abroad. Will anything pull them back?

Jun 27, 2018
With trade tensions seemingly escalating, companies are now reacting. Some are starting to move production overseas, adjust their supply chains and raise prices. Once these shifts happen, how hard is it for companies to shift back? Click the above audio player to hear the full story.