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The upside of multilateral trade deals

Apr 18, 2018
President Donald Trump has again rejected the idea of the U.S. joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership. That’s the multilateral trade pact the Obama administration hammered out. Yesterday, the president tweeted that he still doesn’t like the TPP. He added that bilateral trade agreements, between the U.S. and just one other country, are more “efficient” and “profitable.” […]

Farmers eyeing trade tariff threats as crop insurance trims considered by House committee

Apr 18, 2018
The House Agriculture Committee considers the Farm Bill today. The bill includes funding for crop insurance, the federal program that protects farmers from swings in crop yields, and prices. If insurance is cut back, that could be a problem should China makes good on its latest tariff threats.  Click the audio player above to hear […]

IMF bumps up U.S. growth projections for 2018

Apr 17, 2018
The International Monetary Fund raised its growth target for the American economy today to 2.9 percent. That’s very close to the three percent forecast the Trump administration promised.  In a conversation about President Donald Trump’s tax cuts and the overall state of the economy on Fox News this morning,  Trump’s top economic adviser Larry Kudlow said we […]

U.S. companies line up to be excluded from steel and aluminum tariffs

Apr 17, 2018
Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe is in Florida to discuss trade issues with President Donald Trump. One issue on the table: Japan’s desire to be excluded from steel and aluminum tariffs that went into effect last month. Other key U.S. allies, including Australia, Canada, the European Union and Mexico have been granted exemptions. Plenty of […]

Plenty to talk about as Abe meets with Trump at Mar-a-Lago

Apr 17, 2018
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe meets with President Donald Trump today at the president’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. Likely to be on tap: trade, tariffs and North Korea.  Click the above audio player to hear the full story.

So what's the Fed forecasting in the near economic future?

Apr 13, 2018
Also: some more of that — now familiar — trade talk.
U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell speaks during a news conference March 21, 2018 in Washington, D.C. 
Alex Wong/Getty Images

TPP re-think could boost U.S.-Pacific trade

Apr 13, 2018
The world has had about a day to digest President Donald Trump’s 180-degree turn on trade. We are talking about TPP — the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Candidate Trump railed against TPP. He pulled the U.S out in his first week as president. Now, he’s told his top economic lieutenants to explore going back in. What do American […]

For public good, not for profit.

New Farm Bill proposes changes to food stamps

Apr 13, 2018
80% of spending in the Farm Bill goes to food stamps

Farmers are "excited" by the prospect re-entering the TPP

Apr 13, 2018
Keith Alverson says farmers like him are after the 95 precent of consumers outside the U.S.
The photographer holds an ear of corn he found on the ground next to a corn field during harvest on September 13, 2012 near Teltow, Germany. 
Sean Gallup/Getty Images

Relief and some concern at Xi Jinping’s trade speech

Apr 10, 2018
In the frequent exchanges on trade between the U.S. and China, it was Chinese President Xi Jinping’s turn to offer his country’s take. Speaking to the Boao Forum for Asia today, Xi struck a  conciliatory tone. He said China is committed to opening up its economy more to foreign businesses and products. So what do […]