How Georgia is training workers to make EVs at Hyundai's massive Metaplant

Jun 12, 2024
The partnership between the state and the company, which includes tax incentives, could result in the production of 300,000 cars a year.
Construction of Hyundai's Metaplant, which is expected to employ 8,500 workers, underway in October 2023.
Courtesy Hyundai

Efforts to boost manufacturing and clean energy run up against a shortage of welders

Apr 5, 2024
Welders are needed to build and upgrade roads and bridges, energy infrastructure and chip foundries. But the profession has an image problem.
There’s a perception that welding is a dirty, dangerous and dead-end career. Employers are trying to change that.
Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Lack of lifeguards keeps pools, beaches closed as summer approaches

Jun 1, 2022
The pandemic hindered the ability to train enough lifeguards to fill enough spots.
The pandemic has exacerbated a variety of elements that have led to a nationwide shortage of lifeguards. As summer begins, many pools and beaches around the country will remain closed.