Making money off trash

Apr 3, 2015
Selling what others throw out

How an $8,000 garbage bin actually saves taxpayers money

Sep 26, 2013
It turns out the government can do more with Big Data than just spy -- they can use it to save money, too.

National parks take out the trash (cans)

Aug 22, 2013
Parks are increasingly translating 'Leave No Trace' into 'Leave No Trash Can.'

Why only a third of our trash is being recycled

Aug 5, 2013
More than 40 years after the “Crying Indian” campaign encouraged Americans to stop pollution, a new "Keep America Beautiful" hopes to boost recycling.

The cost of junk on the ocean floor

Jun 6, 2013
The Monterrey Bay Aquarium just released a new report on all the sea junk they've discovered over the past 22 years of underwater surveys.

Tracking the economy and GDP through trash

Aug 16, 2012
How does our garbage relate to our GDP? Economist Michael McDonough has worked out the GDP-to-trash economic indicator.

When Trash is Anything But Waste

Jan 27, 2011
In the 1970s, California faced growing concerns about the supply and cost of energy, in addition to worries about running out of landfill space....

For public good, not for profit.