Turkey's economic growth cuts both ways for Erdogan

Jun 13, 2013
Turkey's economy under prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has grown steadily, giving him the support of many businesses.

Businesses and investors take heat in Turkey's protests

Jun 12, 2013
In the past few days, Turkey's Prime Minister has lashed out against members of the business community -- among others -- for supporting the protests. How are they responding?

Turkish protesters use software to shield identity

Jun 6, 2013
Turkey has now joined the list of countries where questions about government, religion, and yes, social media have made for large scale protests.

Emerging market economies see currency slowdown

Jun 3, 2013
From the Turkish lira to the South African rand, many emerging market currencies are down as U.S. interest rates increase.

Turkish firm moves to trademark Idaho's state name

Feb 18, 2013
It may sound like a Thanksgiving dinner food fight, but it's actually a serious battle over knock-offs. Potato-proud Idaho is fighting against Turkey, the country.

How the drought may dampen holiday dinner

Nov 23, 2012
The drought has already affected livestock feed prices. Holiday dinner shopping list prices may be next.

Turkeys cost a little more this Thanksgiving

Nov 22, 2012
This summer's drought meant higher corn prices, and turkeys eat a lot of corn. So restaurants -- and you -- will pay more this Thanksgiving.

For public good, not for profit.

Turkey giveaway programs say donations are down

Nov 20, 2012
One agency fills the turkey donation gap with free chickens instead.

Syria fighting hurts Turkish border city

Aug 21, 2012
Overall, the Syrian conflict has been bad for business in the Turkish border city of Antakya -- though some businesses are booming.

In Turkey, Syrian refugees use their skills

Aug 21, 2012
Some 70,000 refugees have fled the fighting in Syria and crossed over into Turkey. Even in the refugee camps, some are showing entrepreneurial flair.