Sony announces Google TV TVs

Oct 13, 2010
As expected, Sony rolled out new ways to incorporate Google into your couch potatoizing....

New Sony Google TV remote is a horrifying nightmare

Oct 6, 2010
Viewers of ABC's Nightline got a quick glimpse of a remote that Sony is preparing to go along with the new Google TV. And holy mackerel it looks...

Apple takes a byte out of Amazon's margins

Sep 2, 2010
Amazon is already reacting to the creation of Apple's new streaming TV service and set-top box....

Killing Cable

Aug 30, 2010
I moved coast to coast about six months ago and I still haven't hooked up a new cable connection in my house. Okay – given I'm a public radio...

Report says Apple's reinventing Apple TV

Aug 12, 2010
Apple TV has been this grand idea of a set top box on your TV that connects online and lets you watch shows that way. But the box is expensive and...

TV without cable

Jun 16, 2010
On today's show we talk about how you can watch TV without having cable or satellite service. After we were done recording, our engineer Rob Byers...

New Mac Mini shows up

Jun 15, 2010
It's the beginning of pre-orders for the iPhone 4 today but another launch happened as well with very little fanfare. The new Mac Mini, an updated...

For public good, not for profit.

Where to watch the World Cup

Jun 11, 2010
A listener wrote in to ask where online he could watch World Cup matches. Digging around a bit, I think Lifehacker's list is a pretty complete one....

Law & Order may not break 20-season record

May 14, 2010
According to some TV blogs, Law & Order has been on risky ratings ground for awhile. The 20-year series holds a tie with Gunsmoke as the...