How to reassure American investors that the UK is going to be all right

Jul 15, 2016
The U.K.'s new Consul General in New York wants to maintain ties with the American business community.
Oli Scarff/Getty Images

Brexit: global catastrophe or regional difficulty?

Jun 29, 2016
The negative reaction to the UK's decision to leave the EU may have been excessive.
Protesters gather to demonstrate against the EU referendum result in Trafalgar Square on June 28, 2016 in London, England. Up to 50,000 people were expected before the event was cancelled due to safety concerns. Early evening up to 300 people have still converged on the square to vent their anti-Brexit feelings. 
Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images

Brexit complicates global trade picture

Jun 24, 2016
The timeline for renegotiating Britain's access to markets will be long and complex.
A trader sits at his desk under the day's performance board that shows a dive in the value of the DAX index of companies at the Frankfurt Stock exchange the day after a majority of the British public voted for leaving the European Union.  
Thomas Lohnes/Getty Images

Obama warns Brits against Brexit

Apr 22, 2016
The president tells Britain it would be a mistake to leave the European Union.
U.S. President Barack Obama, left, and British Prime Minister David Cameron held a joint press conference where Obama stated his case for the U.K. to remain inside the European Union.
Ben Stanstall - WPA Pool/Getty Images

Ukrainian protests follow oligarchs to London

Feb 28, 2014
Mansions outside of Ukraine are drawing charges of corruption as well

In rural England, fracking finds few friends

Aug 14, 2013
Britain's government supports fracking as a source of cheap gas and jobs but his plans are meeting stiff resistance in the countryside, where New Age protesters and rich conservative country-dwellers want none of it.

Britain's welfare crackdown draws criticism, praise

Jul 25, 2013
Welfare payments account for a third of Britain's public spending. Now, radical cuts in welfare spending are drawing impassioned reactions among both critics and supporters.

For public good, not for profit.

Britain's government wants fast trains; some say they're not worth it

Jun 25, 2013
Britain's government wants to spend billions on a high-speed rail system. HS2 -- as it's called -- could cut some journey times in half but critics say it would harm the countryside and trains are yesterday's technology.

Margaret Thatcher's legacy: Three things that changed for the U.K.

Apr 8, 2013
There’s no question Margaret Thatcher wanted to remake the U.K. economy during her tenure, but did she succeed?

Migrating to Britain? Please don't

Feb 26, 2013
Now that Romanians and Bulgarians will soon enjoy full European Union status and be able to move freely through EU countries, Britain fears a flood of unwelcome immigrants.