How strong is the U.S. dollar's position as a reserve currency?

Aug 15, 2018
Russian officials were in Turkey on Tuesday, talking with the government there about possible solutions for Turkey’s currency crisis. Both countries are also facing U.S. sanctions, so one idea they floated: Stick to their own national currencies for trade and avoid using the dollar at all. On top of that, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov echoed […]
The dollar is an international currency — a common denomination for global business. 
Yasin Akgul/AFP/Getty Images

Decline of China’s currency lessens bite of U.S. tariffs

Aug 2, 2018
The trade story of the day is actually more of a currency story. As you know, the Trump administration has proposed another round of tariffs on some $200 billion worth of Chinese products — ranging from tobacco to dog food to plywood. Now, the president is threatening to more than double the size of that tariff […]