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Does 5.1 percent = full employment?

Sep 4, 2015
Maybe not until we see employers bidding up wages.

Weekly Wrap: Unemployment, the Fed and the GOP debate

Aug 7, 2015
Jo Ling Kent and Leigh Gallagher join Kai Ryssdal to recap the week in business and finance.

Looking for the bright side in Bakken's bust

Jul 29, 2015
North Dakota oil worker has had enough of the area's greed.

Chicago schools face $200 million in cuts

Jul 6, 2015
The cutbacks come just 2 years after the city closed almost 50 elementary schools.

In Greece, breadwinners struggle to make ends meet

Jun 22, 2015
With an unemployment rate of 25 percent, workers must support extended families.

Making a home without a house

May 29, 2015
As more tents go up, homeless couples are forgoing shelters to stay together.

In Los Angeles, homeless camps are suddenly everywhere

May 28, 2015
It's easier to camp on public land now, and there's less room in shelters.

For public good, not for profit.

How calculating GDP is like making a gravy

May 19, 2015
"Reduce it down and get the real essence of flavor," says a Fed economist.

Halliburton woes cause jitters in North Dakota

Apr 20, 2015
As oil prices fall, so do profits and headcounts at Halliburton.

Oil layoffs start at wellheads and work their way up

Apr 17, 2015
Unemployment claims have doubled in Texas as the oil industry sheds workers.