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Sequester will seriously damage job growth: Obama economic adviser

Mar 8, 2013
Alan Krueger, chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, breaks down the latest jobs report and shares his thoughts on the sequestration.

Unemployment falls to four-year low

Mar 8, 2013
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the economy added 236,000 jobs last month, beating analyst expectations. The unemployment rate fell to 7.7 percent, its lowest point in four years.

Unemployment falls to 7.7%, 236,000 jobs added

Mar 8, 2013
The Bureau of Labor Statistics is reporting that the economy added 236,000 jobs last month and the unemployment rate fell to 7.7 percent, beating analyst expectations.

The sequester vs. the jobs recovery

Mar 8, 2013
The Labor Department's jobs report for February is expected to be decent: Signs are that the labor market continues to improve. Aren't the sequester's budget cuts going to have any effect?

Unemployment claims drop to five-year low

Mar 7, 2013
The Dow is still in record territory in early trading this morning. The surge comes on the heels of strong jobs data from the Labor Department, which show applications for unemployment benefits have fallen to a five-year low.

Waiting for the other shoe to drop: Shoemakers

Mar 3, 2013
The shoe making industry has changed, but for one young craftsman, the old ways are still best.

Atlanta works to recover from housing bust

Feb 14, 2013
Atlanta's unemployment rate still tops the national percentage, but city residents hope the worst is finally behind them.

For public good, not for profit.

After a year of unemployment -- finally, a job

Feb 5, 2013
For one of the long-term unemployed, a very happy ending.

View from a small business in a recovering economy

Feb 5, 2013
Boise burger-and-Idaho-fries entrepreneur expands his business as joblessness contracts.

How Boise beat the national unemployment rate

Feb 1, 2013
Boise, Idaho, has a diverse economy -- potatoes, chips (the high-tech kind) and wine.