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Unemployment drops to 8.3% in January

Feb 3, 2012
The first jobs report of 2012 shows a bright sign for the U.S. economy, with 243,000 jobs added in the first month of the year.

Higher stakes for January unemployment report

Feb 3, 2012
The unemployment number in the U.S. has dropped from 8.5 percent in December to 8.3 percent in January.

Challenger: Planned layoffs reach four month high

Feb 2, 2012
According to early numbers out ahead of official unemployment figures from the government out tomorrow, planned layoffs went up in January -- but that is actually fairly typical.

Attitude Check: Obama's plan to grow jobs in 2012

Feb 2, 2012
Gallup data shows the employment picture is improving slightly, and that many Americans support President Obama's plan to create tax breaks that bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S.

Nebraska and Nevada, ahead of the election

Jan 27, 2012
Marketplace reporters Sarah Gardner and David Gura discuss their recent reporting trips to Nevada and Nebraska as they take the pulse of the nation ahead of the presidential election.

Egypt's youth await jobs revolution

Jan 27, 2012
A year after Egypt's revolution toppled the old political elite, many young people complain there's democracy but still no work.

Life in the slow lane

Jan 19, 2012
The number of people signing up for unemployment benefits fell to its lowest in more than 3 1/2 years today, but is it falling fast enough?

For public good, not for profit.

Weekly unemployment lowest in nearly four years

Jan 19, 2012
After last week's relatively high weekly jobless claim numbers, they are back down this week -- to the lowest level in almost four years.

Unemployment will be big issue in S.C. primary

Jan 17, 2012
The two Republican primaries so far this year have been in states with relatively healthy economies. That isn't the case in South Carolina, where presidential hopefuls hit the ballot next.

Unemployment rate higher in minority communities

Jan 16, 2012
Dig deeper into the unemployment numbers and you'll find some groups are not seeing improvement in their work lives.