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Mixed messages from the U.S. economy

Dec 15, 2011
Weekly jobless numbers out this week show positive signs for the country's economy recovery, but mortage lending rates tell a different story.

Despite reports, odds still stacked against job seekers

Dec 13, 2011
A recent report from the Department of Labor has job listings up sharply over two years prior, but with unemployment at 8.6 percent, job openings are not plentiful.

Unemployment rate falls in metro areas

Dec 7, 2011
The unemployment rate in a number of cities fell in November, most notably in the Rust Belt.

PODCAST: The 8.6%

Dec 2, 2011
The big monthly jobs numbers come out today. Dan Gorenstein finishes his two part series on unemployment, speaking with employment officials about what citizens can do. As the European debt crisis continues, it could start affecting U.S. exports. The Green Bay Packers are publicly owned, but those shares are really more about sentiment than actual value. And new car share programs in Germany are aimed at younger drivers.
A representative with an employment agency points to a folder with job seeking resources during the Job Hunter's Boot Camp at College of San Mateo on June 7, 2011 in San Mateo, Calif.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Will the slow job growth continue?

Dec 2, 2011
Gary Burtless of the Brookings Institution says that there have been some positive signs in the job market, but the situation is precarious.

A tale of two economies

Dec 2, 2011
The Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that the U.S. created 120,000 new jobs in the month of November, while the national unemployment rate fell to a surprising 8.6 percent.

White House economist Alan Krueger on latest jobs report

Dec 2, 2011
America's unemployment rate for the month of November fell to 8.6 percent. We have reaction from a leading White House economist.

For public good, not for profit.

Chris Low: November numbers 'nothing I've seen before'

Dec 2, 2011
Job numbers out for November show that 275,000 people say they found jobs, but at the same time 315,000 people became so frustrated that they stopped looking for jobs.

Jobless rate falls to lowest level since 2009

Dec 2, 2011
The U.S. economy added 120,000 jobs in November. But the unemployment rate fell to 8.6 percent because many more people dropped out of the workforce.
Job seekers wait in line to meet with a recruiter during the San Francisco Hire Event job fair on Nov. 9, 2011 in San Francisco, Calif.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

This week: American Airlines restructuring, job numbers

Dec 2, 2011
We talk with Washington reporter Nancy Marshall-Genzer about the top stories from this week.