Higher U.S. postage rates send vendors in China scrambling

Mar 9, 2021
The U.S. set higher postage rates last year. E-commerce sellers in China are still scrambling to deal with the change.
A seemingly small change like the U.S. raising postage rates for mail from abroad jolted Chinese firms that sell to Americans.
Peter Parks/AFP via Getty Images

There are fewer visas, but Chinese students still want a U.S. education

Feb 19, 2021
Chinese students spend years mapping out the path to U.S. colleges. The pandemic has disrupted all of that.
"Contemplation in the afternoon," is one of the many pieces of art Li Jiayan has posted on social media in hopes of getting more freelance work while she figures out the next steps in her study plans.
Courtesy of Li Jiayan

Manufacturing: The China Inc. model

Feb 2, 2021
Why is it sometimes cheaper for U.S. consumers to buy goods from China than from local vendors?
A worker in a southern China shoe factory. Many Chinese manufacturers say they are making goods Americans no longer want to produce.
Charles Zhang/Marketplace

A Biden presidency won't change what many Chinese exporters are doing

Nov 18, 2020
Chinese exporters have found ways to deal with the extra U.S. tariffs and those plans are not set to change under President-elect Joe Biden.
Changjian Shoe factory has moved much of its shoe production for the U.S. market from China to other countries in Southeast Asia in order to avoid U.S. tariffs on Chinese goods.
Charles Zhang/Marketplace

Chinese exporter's take: Biden or Trump?

Oct 27, 2020
Some Chinese manufacturers do not expect the trade tensions with the U.S. to change much even with a Biden presidency.
Midnight Charm lingerie factory has been attempting to expand markets in Europe, Africa and the Middle East because of the U.S. tariffs imposed on its products.
Charles Zhang/Marketplace

App wars between China and U.S. caught in tit-for-tat dynamic

Oct 1, 2020
Chinese officials seem to ignore the fact that they put up many obstacles for U.S. tech firms to operate in China.
Chinese smartphone users in Shanghai are largely blocked from accessing U.S. social media apps because of longstanding trade barriers.
Charles Zhang/Marketplace

Theft of farming secrets is backdrop for U.S.-China trade deal

Jan 15, 2020
The U.S. accuses Chinese actors of systematically stealing American ideas, including agricultural technology.
Micro greens grow at a vertical farm in Newark, New Jersey.
Angela Weiss/AFP/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

The view from Shanghai on the phase one trade deal

Jan 14, 2020
"The U.S. is bullying China," was the assessment of one security guard in the city.
American green apples at a Shanghai supermarket were among the first to be subject to Chinese counter tariffs.
Charles Zhang/Marketplace

More of your trade war questions, answered

Jan 14, 2020
The U.S. and China are set to complete phase one of a trade agreement. Here are some of your questions, answered.
President Donald Trump shakes hands with Chinese Vice Premier Liu He in the Oval Office at the White House in October.
Win McNamee/Getty Images

Are factory jobs leaving China because of the U.S. tariffs?

Dec 18, 2019
China's statistics show 3.8 million manufacturing jobs disappeared from urban areas last year.
Workers at a shoe factory in Southern China. Most of them come from the poor countryside to give their families a better life.
Shanghai 808 Studio