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Digging for subprime gold

Mar 15, 2007
As the subprime mortgage sector approaches a full-scale meltdown, investment bank Goldman Sachs is talking about getting deeper into subprime lending. Is it a fire sale or a fool's market?

Barclays wants its money back

Mar 15, 2007
The subprime mortgage crisis has rippled across the pond and now British banking giant Barclays is demanding the immediate repayment of $900 million from U.S. subprime lender New Century.

Big players make a subprime choice

Mar 14, 2007
Nervousness over the subprime mortgage market is causing some wild swings in the stock market. Kai Ryssdal talks with the Wall Street Journal's Kate Kelly about the big names who are entering the fray.

Let's keep candidates off Wall Street

Mar 14, 2007
Commentator Robert Reich says as presidential candidates spend less time at coffee klatches and more time talking to investment bankers, the American people are getting short-changed.

Volatility on Wall Street

Mar 13, 2007
Several factors came together today, sending the Dow down 242.66. Kai Ryssdal checks in with economist Diane Swonk to get her view on the market's drop.

Could the economy become subprime?

Mar 13, 2007
Subprime lenders are in trouble. Foreclosures are up. Marketplace's Tess Vigeland talks with Kai Ryssdal about why that matters for the larger housing market and the whole economy.
A foreclosure sign hangs in front of a home in Miami.
Joe Raedle, Getty Images

Will New Century's fall make waves?

Mar 12, 2007
Subprime lender New Century moved a step closer to bankruptcy as its lenders called in their loans. Track the falling dominos and it might push the whole economy lower, too. Hillary Wicai reports.

For public good, not for profit.

New storm trackers in Chicago

Mar 12, 2007
Hurricane futures begin trading on the Merc today. It's a new way for businesses to hedge against hurricane losses, and building it required a new way of classifying the storms.

Sloan Sessions: Horizontal double dummy

Mar 12, 2007
How did McClatchy get that $160 million tax break when it sold the Minneapolis Star-Tribune last week? Turns out it's thanks to a little-used type of merger that's pretty smart.

Enough with earnings projections!

Mar 12, 2007
In an effort to make American business more competitive, the Chamber of Commerce is urging public companies to stop wasting time on earnings forecasts.