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China's going on a spending spree

Mar 9, 2007
China has announced it's going to put some of its trillion dollars in currency into what will become one of the world's biggest investment funds. Alisa Roth looked into what Beijing might be buying.

Week on Wall Street

Mar 9, 2007
Stockbroker and business analyst David Johnson discusses with host Kai Ryssdal what happened on Wall Street this week and what may lie ahead.

Blowing money in Chicago

Mar 9, 2007
They don't exactly know why, but researchers have found that traders at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange make less money on windy days.

Market's turn is good for housing

Mar 8, 2007
On Wall Street, today was a day to celebrate the bounce. It's been a rough week or so in stocks, but as Ashley Milne-Tyte reports, at least one part of the economy's come out ahead.

Greenspan gives 1-in-3 odds on recession

Mar 8, 2007
Ben Bernanke's had a pretty upbeat take on the economy — so is former Fed chairman Alan Greenspan stepping on his successor's toes with his gloomier-than-thou outlook? Chris Farrell says heck no.

Time Warner settles AOL merger suit

Mar 8, 2007
Media giant Time Warner has agreed to a $144 million settlement in one of the last investor lawsuits stemming from its merger with AOL six years ago.

Congress considers CEO pay

Mar 7, 2007
Proposed legislation would allow shareholders a non-binding vote on executive compensation, but some business groups argue that corporations are not a democracy.

For public good, not for profit.

Markets nervous on yen's rise

Mar 5, 2007
For the second-straight trading day the foreign-exchange markets had unusual influence on stocks, over worries about something called the "carry trade." Bob Moon reports.

Wall Street's historic value just went up

Mar 5, 2007
Wall Street has been put on the National Register of Historic Places. That's good news for nearby property owners. Alisa Roth reports.

Cashing in on the forever stamp

Mar 5, 2007
Newsweek's Allan Sloan says you're sure not going to get rich fast by taking advantage of the forever stamp, but it might make you feel good.