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Wall Street Journal getting skinnier

Jan 1, 2007
The daily diary of business is taking three inches of width off its newspaper to save $18 million in newsprint costs. But as Alisa Roth reports, that's not all.

What are you doing after the bell?

Jan 1, 2007
Wall Street has a dating site all its own, whether you're a trader or just looking for one. Amy Scott checked it out.

Sloan Sessions: A year of private equity

Dec 29, 2006
Newsweek's Allan Sloan looks back at 2006 and says it was all about private equity money sloshing around on Wall Street — but the trend can't last through 2007.

What to do with all that extra cash. . .

Dec 29, 2006
Big investment banks on Wall Street are expected to hand out a record $24 billion in bonuses this season. Amy Scott asks some of the lucky recipients how they're going to spend theirs.

If Jobs is tainted, does Apple lose its shine?

Dec 28, 2006
Whether Steve Jobs was in on Apple's stock options scandal has yet to be determined. But as Janet Babin reports, it may not matter to the company's profits.

Now, about that bonus . . .

Dec 28, 2006
It's been an especially bountiful bonus season on Wall Street, with record year-end payouts to the brokers and bankers. And as Amy Scott reports, there are other folks waiting to share the wealth.

Investigation could be sour for Apple

Dec 27, 2006
The Justice Department is investigating Apple Computer for possibly falsifying documents in connection with the granting of stock options. CEO Steve Jobs has also hired his own personal counsel to deal with the inquiry. Janet Babin reports.

For public good, not for profit.

Feeding at the executive trough

Dec 26, 2006
The average CEO's pay is 369 times as much as the average worker's. This year, CEO pay went up 16%, on top of a 30% jump last year. Commentator Nell Minow has a few thoughts on the disparity.

Newscorp dishes it out, Liberty gives right back

Dec 22, 2006
Two media giants are swapping valuable properties. Newscorp's turning over DirecTV and other goodies to Liberty Media, while Liberty's giving up its 20 percent of Newscorp voting stock. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.
DirecTV dish

IBM cuts off stock options

Dec 21, 2006
IBM is following the lead of companies that are trying to make corporate compensation more transparent by cutting off stock options to it board of directors. Hillary Wicai reports.