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Sloan Sessions: What's up with Wall Street

May 15, 2006
Newsweek Wall Street editor Allan Sloan talks to host Scott Jagow about the recent run-up in the stock and commodities markets.

Indian students protest affirmative action plan

May 12, 2006
A proposal that would reserve half the seats at India's most prestigious universities for people from the lowest ranks of society is running into opposition from other students. Miranda Kennedy reports.

Metals market is red hot

May 10, 2006
Planning on getting new plumbing or rewiring your house? It may be time to think again. Copper prices hit an all-time high of $8,000 a ton today. Amy Scott finds out what record copper prices may mean for the world economy.

Spoon-Fed on Wall Street

May 10, 2006
Ahead of today's Federal Reserve meeting, Cheryl Glaser reports new Fed chief Ben Bernanke may have learned his lesson about speaking too freely about US monetary policy.

Pour your heart out, Ben Bernanke

May 9, 2006
Markets have been whipsawed lately by media interpretations of our new Fed chief's plans. Best guesses are short term interest rates will rise another quarter point tomorrow, but commentator Carolyn Baum says we shouldn't have to guess at all.

Wachovia heads west, stock heads south

May 8, 2006
Wachovia made a $25 billion offer for California's Golden West Financial today. But the deal gets the banking giant deeper into the mortgage business and investors are questioning the timing as the housing boom slows. Amy Scott reports.

Sloan Sessions: NYSE's second offering

May 8, 2006
Newsweek Wall Street editor Allan Sloan looks at the impact of the New York Stock Exchange offering stock of its own.

For public good, not for profit.

Quarterly earnings run

May 8, 2006
This corporate earnings season marks at least the 10th straight quarter of double-digit earnings growth. Bob Moon takes a look at what's behind the trend.

Is Buffett really such a wizard?

May 5, 2006
Billionaire investor Warren Buffett holds his annual shareholder meeting this weekend. Commentator and economist Austen Goolsbee says Buffett's reputation is overrated.

Not a pretty picture

May 4, 2006
Kodak is having a rough go in the age of digital cameras and camera phones. The photo industry giant lost $298 million last quarter and today said it's considering selling its health-imaging business. Cheryl Glaser reports.