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GDP's way up, so is everything hunky-dory?

Apr 28, 2006
The government says the US gross domestic product for the first quarter grew by almost 5%, doubling the growth from last year at this time. But Bob Moon reports that everyone's got a different read on what the numbers mean.

Really big oil

Apr 27, 2006
ExxonMobil releases its quarterly earnings today, and Alisa Roth reports that the information isn't likely to quell increased calls for a windfall profits tax on oil companies.

Google vs. old media

Apr 24, 2006
In this edition of The Sloan Sessions, Newsweek's Wall Street editor Allan Sloan talks to host Lisa Napoli about the recent ups and downs of new and old media.

Gaga for Google again

Apr 21, 2006
The search engine's earnings jumped nearly 80% in the first quarter, beating analysts' expectations. Lisa Napoli reports.

Reading the Fed's tea leaves

Apr 18, 2006
The Federal Reserve is expected to release minutes from it most recent meeting today, and analysts are expected to pore over the text to find insight into the thinking of new Fed chief Ben Bernanke. Alisa Roth reports.

Finding a loophole in the forest

Apr 17, 2006
With today's deadline to file tax returns, Newsweek Wall Street editor Allan Sloan and host Scott Jagow look at the recent tax loophole windfall for International Paper.

What happened to GMAC and Lucent?

Apr 10, 2006
Newsweek Wall Street editor Allan Sloan talks to host Scott Jagow about why GMAC and Lucent Technologies recently sold at relatively bargain basement prices.

For public good, not for profit.

More troubles ahead for former Enron CEO

Apr 3, 2006
With the Enron trial resuming in Houston today, Newsweek Wall Street editor Allan Sloan tells host Scott Jagow that the legal woes of former Enron CEO Ken Lay don't stop with the current case.

The Fed is in session

Mar 27, 2006
The Federal Open Market Committee holds its first meeting today under new leader Ben Bernanke. The Fed Chairman might be new, but analysts expect more of the same when it comes to interest rates. Amy Scott reports.

March madness on Wall Street

Mar 27, 2006
Newsweek Wall Street editor Allan Sloan debunks the myth that the stock market is nearing a five-year high. He talks with host Scott Jagow.