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The Goldman op-ed: Is what Greg Smith said true?

Mar 14, 2012
A former executive at Goldman Sachs resigned with a scathing editorial blasting the bank, which he calls "toxic." We dissect his op-ed and discuss what everyday Americans should think of Wall Street now.

Banks pass stress tests, Goldman fails an employee review

Mar 14, 2012
Big U.S. banks passed a round of stress tests conducted by the Fed. Meanwhile, one former Goldman Sachs employee is speaking out on the corporate culture there, which he claims leaves much to be desired.

Explaining insider trading

Mar 8, 2012
Lawmakers are considering yet another bill to ban insider trading. But the term "insider trading" seems open to interpretation. Senior Producer Paddy Hirsch helps us understand what it is and why it's a big deal.
Lawmakers are considering yet another bill to ban insider trading. But the term "insider trading" seems open to interpretation. Senior Producer Paddy Hirsch helps us understand what it is and why it's a big deal.
Angela Kim/Marketplace

Wall Streeter enraged at $300 cab fare, forgets how Wall Street works

Mar 2, 2012
A high-level Morgan Stanley investment banker was charged with a hate crime in Connecticut after a dispute over a $300 cab fare.

Ordinary investors may be missing out on Dow's run-up

Feb 29, 2012
The Dow closed at 13,005 -- its highest finish since 2008. It's a milestone you might guess would make investors happy, but not everyone has made big money.

SEC mulls fees for high-speed traders

Feb 23, 2012
High-speed computers dominate stock trading. But they cancel so many transactions that the SEC wants to fine them for “speeding.”

Wall Street CEO takes rare lead on social issue

Feb 6, 2012
Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein, who faced PR battles during the financial crisis, emerges as a national spokesman for gay marriage.

For public good, not for profit.

Weekly Wrap: Greece and American banks

Jan 20, 2012
A review of the week's biggest business news. This week: News of a debt deal for Greece and what U.S. bank earnings says about the industry in the future.

Weekly Wrap: Europe downgrade, JPMorgan

Jan 13, 2012
Reviewing the week’s headlines on Wall Street and beyond. This week: The Europe downgrade, JPMorgan's earnings and are we really in a recovery?

World markets: Winners and losers in 2011

Dec 30, 2011
The past year wasn’t kind to those with money in the Greek market, but Zambian investors are laughing all the way to the bank.