Why are so few Black women married in America?

Oct 6, 2020
In this book excerpt, Dianne Stewart writes about the costs facing Black women with incarcerated partners.
Dianne Stewart, the author of “Black Women, Black Love: America’s War on African-American Marriage."
Courtesy of Hachette Book Group, Inc

"Glamping" gains popularity during this pandemic, but will it last?

Sep 21, 2020
Luxury camping companies are seeing a spike in profits as vacationers look for an alternative to flying and hotels.
"Glamping" tent interior with all the comforts of home, yet still in the outdoors.
Fred Tanneau/AFP via Getty Images

What do the wealthy think of Joe Biden's plan for taxes and economic rebuilding?

The private sector isn't necessarily "running scared," says Eurasia Group's Ian Bremmer.
Olivier Douliery/AFP via Getty Images

Money for charity can languish in donor-advised funds. This couple wants to change that.

Aug 11, 2020
David and Jennifer Risher are challenging fellow philanthropists to give more of their money away.
David and Jennifer Risher of San Francisco launched #HalfMyDAF, promising to match donor-advised fund grants of up to $1 million as a challenge to other wealthy donors to make sure funds are getting to those who need them.
Courtesy of David and Jennifer Risher

Republicans more upbeat on the economy than Democrats

Dec 11, 2019
New Pew survey: Most Americans say current economy helps the rich, hurts the poor and middle class.
Partisan views of the economy have historically been tied to the president.
Jewel Samad/AFP via Getty Images

U.S. household wealth hits record high

Jun 7, 2019
A new report from the Federal Reserve finds the net worth of American households and nonprofits reached almost $109 trillion.

African Americans' wages nearly stagnant over decade

Apr 18, 2019
After adjusting for inflation, black workers' median weekly earnings have risen at a fraction of the pace of wages for white, Hispanic and Asian workers.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Low interest rates have cost savers roughly half a trillion dollars

Apr 10, 2019
The post-crisis financial policy has a downside.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Tax the rich! OK … but how?

Mar 12, 2019
Lawmakers have a lot of ideas … can they make any of them a reality?
Scott Barbour / Getty Images

Closing the homeownership gap in Houston and beyond

Jan 30, 2019
The National Association of Real Estate Brokers, a black trade group, is on a mission to add 2 million new black homeowners nationally in five years.
Nationally, the rate of black homeownership is less than 42 percent, compared to a rate of about 73 percent among white households.
Cameron Spencer/Getty Images