Income Inequality: Do you level the playing field?

Dec 7, 2011
There is growing disparity between the "haves" and the "have nots," but most Americans say they don't think the government should focus on closing the gap

Where the money has gone

Dec 6, 2011
While the global economic crisis has punished developed countries, many in the developing world have gained from capital searching for a higher returns.

What percent are you, really?

Nov 29, 2011
The Occupy Wall Street movement has rallied around the phrase "We are the 99 percent," but you might be surprised what you can earn and still fit that description.

Apparently, Americans are getting wealthier

Dec 9, 2010
And this final note, one that is hard to imagine for millions of Americans still looking for jobs....

You can never have enough money

Sep 22, 2010
A University of Chicago Law professor posted on his blog about the challenges of the "super rich." The post has been taken off his blog, Truth on...

Global wealth makes a big comeback in 2009

Jun 14, 2010
A report from the Boston Consulting Group's Global Wealth 2010 Report says global wealth made a big comeback in 2009 after a big decline in 2008....