
Dec 16, 2010
In a move that should frighten nobody in the world because it's completely harmless and you should all just calm down, Facebook will start rolling...

Best of the Best of Year Lists for 2010

Dec 15, 2010
Okay, so Facebook co-founder Marc Zuckerberg is Time Magazine's Person of the Year. What more is there to say? But if you are really into "of the...

"Change your password" - everyone

Dec 14, 2010
The security breach at Gawker Media we told you about yesterday continues to have ripple effects on other sites. That's because so many people use...

Music blogs hit by piracy crackdown

Dec 14, 2010
A while back we talked about a massive crackdown by the Justice department on websites suspected of trafficking in pirated movies and music. The...

Wikileaks: the game

Dec 14, 2010
You break into the Oval Office, wait for Obama to fall asleep, then you hijack his laptop. Because Barack Obama is ALWAYS falling asleep at his...

Google competitors grousing that Google gives itself preferential treatment

Dec 13, 2010
The Wall Street Journal has a helpful round up of complaints against Big G from sites that offer services similar to what Google is also doing....

The Atlantic survived by trying to destroy itself

Dec 13, 2010
Really interesting read in the New York Times about how The Atlantic managed to reinvent itself and turn a profit of 1.8 million dollars, the first...

For public good, not for profit.

Amazon Europe either hacked or not

Dec 13, 2010
Several European Amazon sites were down over the weekend, leading any sensible person to think that perhaps Anonymous was taking more revenge...

YouTube begins to end time limits

Dec 10, 2010
The video site is starting to scrap the 15 minute time limit placed on videos, according to a blog post. Select veteran members in good standing on...