How are you using technology to shop this year?

Nov 19, 2010
For our day after Thanksgiving show we want to hear from you. Even if you're not one of the hard-charging doorbuster shoppers in line for the big...

COICA gets out of committee

Nov 18, 2010
The Senate Judiciary Committee has passed the Combating Online Infringement and Copyright Act. The bill would allow the US Attorney General to go...

Twitter founder complains about Facebook

Nov 18, 2010
Ev Williams who helped start Twitter says he continues to be frustrated that Facebook won't let users share data more easily. For instance, you can...

Meanwhile in an alternate dimension, the anti-Facebook

Nov 15, 2010
It's called Path and it's a new social network with a couple of very big differences to Facebook. First, it's more of a photo sharing service than...

For public good, not for profit.

Google Me doesn't exist

Nov 11, 2010
For months, a big play by Google in the social media sphere has been talked about. Supposedly they were cooking up something to compete against...

The Dallas Cowboys lose on field, in the IT office

Nov 10, 2010
I know we have double geeking going on with public radio and tech here but for a moment, let's talk football. The Dallas Cowboys are in the midst...

Websites ditch cookies

Nov 9, 2010
The Wall Street Journal reports on the move of major websites to get rid of technologies that track users, like cookies. MSNBC, The Huffington Post...