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"Dark patterns": The deceptive arts of e-commerce

Jan 16, 2023
Emily Stewart of Vox explains how web tactics like countdown clocks and inventory trackers can create a false sense of urgency for consumers.
Many e-commerce sites use well-honed tactics to influence consumers to "buy, buy, buy." Emily Stewart advises consumers to learn about them and avoid impulsive shopping.
Stuart C. Wilson/Getty Images

Google will prioritize mobile-friendly sites

Apr 20, 2015
The change takes effect Tuesday, reordering search results.

Adobe building no-code-required web building tool

Aug 15, 2011
Adobe has introduced a new web design tool that they say requires no coding. The idea is to make building a website easier for designers by cutting...

Want users to tell all??? Have an ugly site.

Sep 3, 2010
The scuzzier-looking the site, the more users may reveal about themselves. That's the finding of researchers at Carnegie Mellon University. They...