Wikipedia losing contributors

Aug 4, 2011
The online encyclopedia Wikipedia isn't attracting contributors like it used to. Founder Jimmy Wales told the Associated Press that the company...

Showing Wikipedians some Love

Jun 27, 2011
I guess Wikipedia is looking to invoke stronger feelings than Facebook, home of the Like button. The Wikipedia Love button debuts June 29. You'll...

Sarah Palin supporters make history. On Wikipedia.

Jun 6, 2011
By now you may have seen video of Sarah Palin in Boston stumbling over an explanation of what Paul Revere did during his famous ride. Revere, in...

Bill Clinton wants government internet fact checking agency

May 16, 2011
The former president is tired of all the misinformation and untruth on the web and thinks the government should step in and do something about it....

For bin Laden news, it's not Twitter's moment, it's Wikipedia's

May 2, 2011
I've seen a lot of mention in the coverage of the bin Laden killing about how this was Twitter's CNN moment, referring to the first Gulf War when...

Google's trivia quiz to make you a better Googler

Apr 12, 2011
So this is kind of neat. The problem with most trivia quizzes is that you can always Google the answer and solve it right away. No fun. Google ...

For public good, not for profit.

Wikipedia reaches fundraising goal, creepy Jimmy Wales face to disappear soon

Jan 3, 2011
Wikimedia, the parent company of the online encyclopedia, says it has met its goal of 16 million dollars raised to keep the site commercial free....

COICA gets out of committee

Nov 18, 2010
The Senate Judiciary Committee has passed the Combating Online Infringement and Copyright Act. The bill would allow the US Attorney General to go...

Amazon Studios. Amazon Studios? Amazon Studios!

Nov 17, 2010
This is bonkers. Amazon is crowdsourcing new movies in an effort that seems to go beyond simple PR promotions. More like Wikipedia meets Mechanical...