Empowering working Palestinian women through radio

Aug 3, 2012
Maysoun Odeh Gangat, CEO of the women’s radio station NISAA in Ramallah, explains why there are fewer Palestinian women in business compared to other women in the Middle East -- and how that seems to be changing.

Measuring women's progress in science since Sally Ride's flight

Jul 24, 2012
The passing of astronaut Sally Ride is occasion to mark the gains women have made in math and science since her historic space flight, and reflect on the challenges that remain.

The economics of 'having it all'

Jul 13, 2012
Some women feel the pressure to have both a successful career and home life. But one mom applies her economist smarts to prove that having it all may actually be unsatisfying.

Melinda Gates on providing contraception for women worldwide

Jul 10, 2012
The philanthropist and co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation discusses why her latest effort is to provide contraceptive options for women around the globe.

Can women actually balance work and home life?

Jun 22, 2012
Princeton University professor Anne-Marie Slaughter talks about her article in the Atlantic on whether or not women really can balance careers and home lives.

Labor Department corrects numbers on female job losses

May 16, 2012
The actual percentage of job losses by women the past three years is lower than the 90 percent Mitt Romney stated last month.

Taking your kids to work

May 4, 2012
Take Your Daughters and Sons to Work Day has evolved since it was first started -- for daughters only -- 20 years ago.

For public good, not for profit.

Young women value high-paying careers more than men

Apr 20, 2012
A new Pew Research study finds that priorities for young women have changed. Women aged 18-34 now surpass young men in the importance they place on having a high-paying career.

When women are the breadwinners

Apr 13, 2012
Liza Mundy predicts that by the next generation, more women will be breadwinners than men. She examines how this shift may impact dating, marriage and family life in her new book "The Richer Sex."

Why is it more expensive to be a woman?

Apr 13, 2012
Women's pay may be on the rise, but when it comes to things like health insurance, haircuts, dry cleaning, and deodorant -- women pay more than men. A university study looks into the potential factors behind the price difference.
Women's pay may be on the rise, but when it comes to things like health insurance, haircuts, dry cleaning, and deodorant -- women pay more than men. A university study looks into the potential factors behind the price difference.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images