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Transgender female workers face added discrimination

Jun 30, 2014
Transgender experiences show a lot about how men and women fare in the workplace.

A pep talk for the self-employed

May 30, 2014
Freelance writer Anne Brinser Shelton has some thoughts on the office of one.

Want a raise? Drop a warm puppy into your boss’s lap

May 14, 2014
New research suggests senses play a major role in decision making.

If your company ID badge was a tracking device...

Apr 28, 2014
Inventors say badges let your boss know "how you really feel".

Five ways to reopen lines of communication

Apr 28, 2014
"It's been too long since we've been in touch."

Amazon is paying its employees to quit

Apr 23, 2014
Amazon takes a page out of the Zappos playbook and offers employees cash to quit their jobs.

Why great companies aren't so great online

Apr 18, 2014
Jason Seiden, CEO of Ajax Workforce Marketing, says companies aren't marketing themselves well online.

For public good, not for profit.

The importance of confidence for women

Apr 18, 2014
Katty Kay and Claire Shipman, authors of “The Confidence Code,” talk with Marketplace Money host Lizzie O’Leary about why women are less confident than men.

Moving past gender barriers to negotiate a raise

Mar 28, 2014
Discrimination persists in the workplace and can emerge when women act as their own advocates to seek a raise, experts say.

Your 'loyal' employees? Always looking for the next job.

Feb 18, 2014
And they'll tell you that zero-loyalty cuts both ways. They know you may let them go at any time, too.