People don't conference call during the World Cup

Jul 1, 2014
The volume is down 11 percent.

'TV Everywhere' is sometimes TV nowhere

Jun 27, 2014
Why does ESPN's online streaming choke at the worst possible time?

FIFA: Unsanctioned underwear is "incidental exposure"

Jun 26, 2014
We look at the serious business of sponsorship and product (mis)placement.

Millennials kick up soccer's popularity

Jun 26, 2014
U.S. professional soccer is gaining in popularity, especially in Sacramento.

Referees get a tech upgrade at the World Cup

Jun 23, 2014
A look at the tech behind (hopefully) better referee calls at the World Cup

For public good, not for profit.

Sweeping the World Cup office pool

Jun 13, 2014
So you and everyone else picked Brazil to win the World Cup. What next?