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Hulu might get sold

Jun 22, 2011
Anyone wanna buy a Hulu? The online TV show and movie repository is widely rumored to be on the block with Yahoo said to be kicking the tires. All...

Yahoo app search

Jun 16, 2011
Maybe this is a good niche for Yahoo to fit into since they can't really compete with Google or even Bing on search anymore. Yahoo has launched a...

Searches on Yahoo kept in database

Apr 19, 2011
If you go to Yahoo to search for anything (which you would do after you've already searched on Google, Bing and Blekko?), those search records will...

Getting around NY Times paywall is even easier than you thought

Mar 29, 2011
Now that the paywall is officially up and running, Danny Sullivan from Search Engine Land put it through its paces to see what kind of reading...

"I'm not dead yet! I'm feeling much better! I think I'll go for a walk!" - Yahoo

Mar 24, 2011
Yahoo has not given up on search after all. In a new product called Search Direct, they try to outGoogle Google in terms of instant results. With...

The next big TV hit may start online

Mar 21, 2011
We had news last week in our memo of Netflix producing original content - a show staring Kevin Spacey. This week, we hear Hulu is set to start...

Global Network Initiative is withering on the vine

Mar 7, 2011
Three years ago, Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft signed on to a code of conduct designed to protect free speech and protect privacy online. The Global...

For public good, not for profit.

Whither Flickr

Jan 31, 2011
The New York Times has a think piece about the possibly bleak future of the Yahoo-Flickr partnership. Traffic on the site is down, which, combined...

Does Google favor its own results?

Jan 20, 2011
"Google typically claims that its results are "algorithmically-generated", "objective", and "never manipulated." Google asks the public to belie...

Geek Chow: Facebook, Google, and Yahoo to change the way they run web addresses. For a day.

Jan 14, 2011
It seems we're running out of web addresses and unless something is done, we'll have used them all up by November. Not URLs, mind you, there are...