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Videoconferencing is here to stay. It’ll have a different role in the hybrid workplace.

Jun 2, 2021
Zoom beat Wall Street expectations, but the technology may evolve from replacing social life to being just a tool.
Video chats work well for one-on-one interaction but not as well when the aim is group collaboration.
insta_photos via Getty Images

Yup, looking at yourself on video all the time can get exhausting

Mar 1, 2021
Stanford researchers say being constantly confronted with our own faces in videoconferencing takes a toll.
"When you look at yourself, you evaluate yourself. And evaluating yourself for eight hours a day is not good," said Jeremy Bailenson with Stanford’s Virtual Human Interaction Lab.
LeoPatrizi via Getty Images

Is video conferencing worth all the trouble?

Apr 16, 2019
Some companies have lost $1 million in productivity just getting the technology to work.